Supporting Agricultural Shows & Field Days Program Successful Applicants

Christmas comes early for agricultural shows and field days

Shows and field days cancelled because of COVID-19 are about to get a slice of $34 million Australian Government funding to ensure they can bounce back in 2021.

Minister for Agriculture David Littleproud said the first payments under the Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days program will roll out before Christmas.

“Two months ago, I launched this significant package to reimburse eligible costs for shows and field days who had to cancel because of COVID-19,” Minister Littleproud said.

“Today I am pleased to announce that 378 shows and field days have been approved for funding and will receive almost $34 million to help ease cash-flow pressures.

“For some shows, this comes on top of support already received through the Australian Government’s $20 million Agricultural Show Development Grants program to upgrade, maintain or build new infrastructure.

“This funding supports hundreds of our regional and remote country shows and field days held throughout Australia, as well as the big Royal Shows. 

“The Government is keen to ensure show societies and field day organisers are in the best shape possible to continue in 2021 and beyond.

“These events bring our families and farmers together, build community spirit and help bridge the divide between country and city. They also help farmers stay competitive by providing an opportunity to share innovation and new ways of doing business.

“They are uniquely Australian and provide huge economic spin-offs for the local communities hosting them as well as opportunities for the businesses and services who exhibit.”

Chair of Agricultural Shows Australia Dr Rob Wilson said show societies forced to cancel in 2020 were positive about hosting again next year.

“This Australian Government support has helped provide certainty and a renewed sense of optimism ahead of 2021 after a difficult year for everyone, especially our 50,000 volunteers,” Dr Wilson said.

“With some states already giving the go-ahead to shows next year, subject to COVID conditions being met, this funding will ensure hundreds of societies can start planning now.”

Secretary of the Association of Agricultural Field Days of Australasia Wendy Franklin welcomed the fast turnaround of applicants’ approvals.

“Getting this money out the door is going to be a fantastic Christmas present for many of our event organisers,” Mrs Franklin said.

“Even if it’s to help cover costs such as rates, insurance and telecommunications, this support will go a long way towards ensuring next year we can bounce back bigger and better.”

For more information click onto the Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days program webpage here.

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Fast Facts

  • Agricultural shows and field days contribute more than $1 billion to the economy each year but rely largely on financial assistance from supporters and attendees.

  • There are 580 agricultural shows nationwide, which attract six million visitors and are serviced by 50,000 volunteers.

  • The Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days program funding is being provided under the $1 billion Relief and Recovery Fund for regions, communities and industry sectors disproportionately affected by COVID-19.

  • Successful applicants are eligible to claim reimbursements on costs including bank fees, utilities, rates, insurance, fire alarms and equipment, cleaning supplies, telecommunications, IT system licensing costs, website costs, state/national show body affiliation fees and rent.

  • The program is part of a broader $60 million agricultural support package that includes the $20 million Regional Agricultural Shows Development program.

2020-21 Agricultural & Pastoral Society Grants OPEN!

Please click on the link to view the guidelines

In 2020–21 the Victorian Government will make $300,000 available to registered Agricultural and Pastoral Societies to support infrastructure development and business activities that celebrate Victoria’s agricultural communities, industry and produce.

In recognition of the adverse financial impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) the 2020–21 grant funding guidelines have been amended to allow for up to 90 per cent of the total cost of the project to be funded through the program, with applicants required to fund up to 10 per cent of the total project cost. Applicants may provide all of that 10% as an in-kind contribution.

Grants of up to $10,000 per society will be awarded to promote activities such as:

🔵 the development or upgrade of facilities and amenities at showgrounds

🔵 improvements to business activities including the National Livestock Identification Scheme (NLIS)

🔵 innovative use of technology to encourage remote community participation in agricultural show activities and general calendar events

🔵 enhance public safety of the community attending events including measures that will enable events that may occur during 2021 to proceed safely in alignment with Victorian Government community event guidelines at the time of the event.

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Over what normally would have been our Spring Show Season in Victoria, VAS Ltd has created the #VicAgShowsMemories, which has encouraged all Show Enthusiasts to share their memories from past Agricultural Shows.

Every Monday & Thursday leading up to the normal annual show dates each week for the individual shows anyone can contribute by posting their photos or written memories on the VAS Facebook Page post for that week.

All the memories are then collected and shared all weekend on the normal annual Show dates. So, scroll through your camera roll or flip through the photo albums and be ready to share your Ag Show memories.

For the first three weeks of our Spring Show Season we have received over 300 individual photos and the posts have received over 20,000 views as many have enjoyed flicking through the photos and remembering the great features of an Agricultural Show.


APPLICATIONS CLOSE TOMORROW 9TH OCTOBER 11:00PM - Supporting Agricultural Shows and Fields Days Program

Please click on the link to view the guidelines and to apply:

If you would like assistance, please call the Community Grants Hub Hotline on 1800 020 283 (option 1) or email (link sends e-mail). Please quote 2020-4282 – Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days Program when you phone or email the Community Grants Hub.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with your application, please do not hesitate to contact the VAS Ltd Office.

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1 Week until Applications Close - Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days Program

Please click on the link to view the guidelines and to apply:

If you would like assistance, please call the Community Grants Hub Hotline on 1800 020 283 (option 1) or email sends e-mail). Please quote 2020-4282 – Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days Program when you phone or email the Community Grants Hub.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with your application, please do not hesitate to contact the VAS Ltd Office.

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APPLICATIONS OPEN - Supporting Agricultural Shows and Fields Days Program


Click here for all the guidelines and link to apply…/supporting-agricultura…

The grant opportunity is available for agricultural show societies and organisers of Agricultural Field Days that meet the eligibility criteria having cancelled their scheduled show or field day in 2020 due to COVID-19.
The maximum total grant amount available to you across the life of the program is dependent upon the average total attendance on all days at your local agricultural show or field day, based upon the shows and field days you conducted over the previous three years:

🔵 Small shows up to 1,999 attendees $10,000
🔵 Medium shows 2,000 to 4,999 attendees $15,000
🔵 Large shows 5,000 attendees and up $70,000

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